Hie! b-boys!

Hari oi! Happy fella man.

Wei hao and Hari. Best friend forever.

Wave hadziq! Wave! Hari looks like he said "eh!"

Band of brothers 2

Wati and anie.

Our daydreamer boys.

3 handsome musketeers.

Soo ping in action.

FA0901B. Best class you can ever imagine.

Sri, wati, anie and the rest.

ros look feminine while laughing, dee power and roger to you marx.

Sab and wei ying. Pretty chiobus.

Joel and his masterpiece.

Kellis, dee and a little bit of He jing.

Tyra ping and Rosalie Campbell.

They weren't enjoying the road trip.

Mr. Late comer and Brendan taking a quick nap. Sleep tight.

The lady gaga pose. Cool.

The fabulous cats. Lol.

And of course we would like to wish our Muslim friend a SELAMAT HARI RAYA!